Support Your Community
Questions? Contact:
Jen Magalnick
Membership Coordinator
Westmount Community League
Buying a membership supports your Community League AND it has extra benefits, such as:
Community League programs and events for children, adults, families and seniors.
a 15% discount on membership rates at the Westmount Fitness Club.
various perks, deals and discounts at many local businesses.
free use of the WCL community rink and other community rinks throughout the City when you show your current skate tags.
free summer playground programs such as the City of Edmonton Green Shack.
access to minor sports such as soccer (indoor and outdoor).
admission incentives at City of Edmonton recreation facilities -- present your current WCL membership card and get a 15% discount on multi-admittance passes or a 20% discount on an annual pass (child, youth, senior, adult or family).
free swimming at Commonwealth Community Recreation Centre and Eastglen Leisure Centre during the designated Community League swim time.
a voice in community affairs and issues.
opportunities to volunteer and meet your neighbours.
You can purchase a Westmount Community League membership online above. Please note that there will be a $5 administration fee added to the cost if you purchase online. Memberships are also available in person at the Westmount Fitness Club (cheque only). If you purchase online and require skate tags, you can pick them up at the Westmount Fitness Club -- just show your current membership number.
Membership rates are:
• Family: $30
• Singles/Single Parent Families: $20
• Seniors (65 and up): no charge