Planning & Development
Redevelopment can impact older neighbourhoods and its residents in different ways. Our Community League strives to remain aware of any substantial upcoming development within Westmount and provide any relevant information to our community members.
Infill Construction
Some helpful links:
Evolving Infill Good Neighbour Guide
Questions? Contact:
David Berry
Director of Civics
Westmount Community League
* This page is updated on a monthly basis and is meant only as a source of information of what is happening in and around Westmount.

The Westmount Community League does not typically take a public stance on individual issues of planning and development. As a neighbourhood with a diverse mix of people, buildings and uses, there tends to be a wide range of opinion on these issues. As such, we feel the best way to represent the full extent of our neighbourhood is to provide information and resources to empower our residents to make their voices heard.
To that end, you can find a list of City resources below. We also regularly host information sessions and presentations on planning and development issues that affect Westmount. If you have further questions or require additional information, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Contact our Councillor
Consider contacting our Councillor to share your feedback.
Reach out to the Builder
Reach out to the builder or developer to establish an open dialogue from the start of a project.
Development Approvals
Contact Development Approvals for general permitting questions, information on Development Permit conditions and feedback.
Infill Questions
Contact the Infill Liaison Team for questions around infill policy and regulations, the Infill Roadmap and outreach opportunities.
Construction and Safety Complaints
Ask for the Infill Compliance Team to report complaints related to untidy worksites, damage to alleys/sidewalks/public trees, noise concerns, absence of required permit signage, or to inquire about a site's compliance with its development permit.
Ask for the Safety Codes Officers for complaints related to excavations, site fencing or other construction related concerns.
Phone: 311
Trespassing Complaints
Contact Edmonton Police Services for complaints related to trespassing on site.
Phone: 780.423.4567